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Hi, I'm Arlo Jensen and I am currently serving my 10th year on the Board of Directors for MYEC, representing the Town of Hysham District.

I like that MYEC is community based and the members have a say how the coop is operated.  Especially having the ability to vote for the director they feel has their best interests in mind.  

I feel that having worked/served for a cooperative since 1964 has given me the expertise needed to be an open minded and effective director.  I worked for Mid-Rivers Telephone Coop., Hysham Telephone, Continental Telephone, then Range Telephone Coop until I retired in 2005.  The bulk of my work experience has been with a cooperative.  

I take the time needed to study prior to special meetings, training classes and regular board meetings.  I have no problem devoting the time necessary for travel.  It's a great opportunity to catch up on topics of interest to the board and share ideas and problem solving. 

The cooperative industry has always been a passion and I believe MYEC has worked hard to provide the best service at the most reasonable rate, and that's what makes me the happiest being a MYEC Director.  

I would appreciate your vote this year.